Friday, November 2, 2012

My current opportunities for me to grow are the following, which not surprisingly all leads to teaching and life.

being consistent
being passionate

Friday, October 26, 2012

Yesterday's reflection...
Went to the cooking class at Rachel's apartment, it was fun learning how to cook simple healthy recipes while learning about great people.
Talking to Sierra, I should have paused when she asked me about my bucket list.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today, I just want to straggle his neck and slap some sense into him.
One of the many things that pissed me off: He said Yes to Drugs and No to Learning.

I know I need to be stronger and continue to work with that hell-raiser (for a better name)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reading Jesus Life Couch, to have my tent stolen would mean to see from a different perspective, a positive perspective, one that opens my eyes from seeing the universe.

1. Where in life am I using my mother's or father's glasses?
Very similar to my parents, I tend to be a procrastinator, providing help with not needed, not listening, being an ineffective communicator,

2. How big is my tent?
Figuratively  my tent is one of those six-people tent with a skyline, what that means is that I have a way of seeing a certain perspective but also sees and appreciates the beauty of the universe.  Eventually, I would like to have my tent stolen where I do not have any limiting beliefs and be open to love and acceptance. 

3. How limiting is it?
My limiting  beliefs are generally with how other people think about me.

4.  What is the value of the kind of "thievery" we are talking about in this chapter?
"Thievery" means to take away limiting beliefs and be open to new possibilities.

"Dear Lord,
Thank you for stealing the tent of my small-mindedness and limited thinking.  Help me realize that nothing is lost, but much more is gained, when you steal away my oh so comfortable limitations.  Amen."

There's some truth in movies, more like there's some learning from movies.

Watching "Coming to America" I'm learning something about life and being aloof, to take pride in work, defend and protect, don't complain-find solutions, being able to express oneself, finding the inner glow, men taking the initiative and being a gentlemen, being honest.

Who would have thought you can learn something from movies.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tony Robbins has made a valid point about what we do once in a while but being consistent is key.

The kids are constantly getting up in the classroom and are writing s-l-o-w. The way they write, I feel a snail can beat them writing one sentence.  It's very frustrating how they take a long time to process the ideas given.  I can't fully believe these knuckle heads, it's also me as a teacher who need to work on classroom management and transition.  It's frustrating that we have so many things we need to cover but we have little time.

So far, my decisions have not been consistent.  At this moment,  I feel my management is authoritarian, telling the kids what to do. 

In the news today, Italian scientists are being trialed for wrongly predicting the earthquake.  Generally, how can a person be trialed for wrong predictions in the field of science, it is not like these scientists intentionally want to hurt the people. From what I get from science, predictions can be wrong.

Day 1

Writing down my thoughts is the path to a new journey.  It helps when there is some structure, so for the next 365 days, not only will I be answering Giant Steps (Small Changes to Make a Big Difference) by Anthony Robbins, I will be adding a reading log reflection, life reflection, and my own opinion.  By doing this, I will become the man I desired to be, a better communicator and the ability to think more analytically.

Before I begin, I need to address that everyone has the skill in them, its a matter of bringing the best of you out all the time.

Day 1: My aspirations, though it seemed like a dream begins today, after all today is the new day of the rest of my life.
What I really want in life: I broke down my goals into the following categories.
Financially: debt free
Spiritual: Meditate more often, reflect often, continue to find the Godliness in people.
Physical: compete in an ironman, spartan race, 100 mile cycling
Professional: grad school for OT aside from professional development classes
Leisure: learn about auto, house maintenance, travel, cook

What I really, really want is to a wife and family in our home, having many adventures together.

Will make a point to add a reading log and life reflection later today, need to catch some sleep or unless I will not function properly.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Today's talk with David
-find a median between extremes
-ask myself whether or not I exercised common sense.
-keep things simple.
-reflection is key.
-be flexible
-stick with lunch/dinner dates, no need to impress anyone. Stick to the same place, get to know each other first before partaking in activities.
Culver City:  Cafe Brazil, Himalayan, Latin Fusion.
Alhambra: Boteco
Rosemead: Myamba
Monterey Park: Unique Cafe
Pasadena: Roy's, Ruth's Chris
San Gabriel: Mission 261, Vegeterian

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thank you dad, I just realized how your journals are detailed with a "to do" list and with including steps on how to do certain things. Thank you for your inspiration. Happy Father's Day.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yesterday's recap
Stepping on toes with the best intention is stepping on toes.  Basically, the social committee issued cards for classified staff, I decided to send a card for Chandra since most of the times Chandra gets left out. The chair of social committee got angry because I used her students and did not communicate this issue with her.  I reluctantly apologized.  Reflecting on this issue, alpha males do not apologize.

The lessons to learn is to continue to maintain communication while staying aloof and not apologize.

After school, I got this idea of writing a to do list for the next day. I enjoy having a picture of what needs to do.

Life is sweet. I am grateful for God and what he has provided me.

Today's personal goal:
-Create a life vision board and provide the feelings for each attribute.
-Must resist spending on the frivolous especially eating out. I give myself permission to spend on the San Diego extension course, gas.
-Continuing to be calm and using humor in tense situations.
-Sharing with people what is important to know at the moment, being aloof.
-Alpha Male exercise
-Read Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Bible on Love, 

Today's professional goals:
-submitting a doctor's note for BTSA
-make copies for hygiene/party
-cum folders

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Yesterday's reflection.

Yesterday was another day of blessing.
The field trip to the bowling alley was a learning experience. My kids were basically all over the place, I need to continue to work on my classroom management.  I guess I should have provided fun activities for them to work on while they wait.  Even though what I am going to tell you is common sense, I had to go through the process.  I left my bag which had my wallet and sunglasses on a chair at a public facility. When it came to paying the game, I realized that I should get my bag but my bag was not in plain sight.  I started looking for the bag. Thankfully, one of the employees found my bag with the other teacher. Everything seems to be there.

Hours after school, I headed to a hyno-therapist. Not only do I have to work on myself on a conscious level, I have to work on myself on a sub conscious level as well.  From this experience, I need to begin my day with mediation-positive affirmations, writing what I would like to accomplish for the day, going to the mirror and saying to the mirror at least one positive attribute that I love in myself. Looking at the mirror, I can proudly say that I love how I see experiences as a life learning experience. I also love when I smile, my heart feels good.

Today's personal goal:
-Create a life vision board and provide the feelings for each attribute.
-Must resist spending on the frivolous especially eating out. I give myself permission to spend on the San Diego extension course, gas.
-Continuing to be calm and using humor in tense situations.
-Sharing with people what is important to know at the moment, being aloof.
-Read Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Bible on Love, 

Today's professional goals:
-submitting a doctor's note for BTSA
-creating a writing frame
-addressing/creating science misconceptions
-follow up with IDEC and parents for possible IEP.
-Teacher table clean.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Being in the present means to feel the surroundings.  As I began my morning ritual at 4:30 in the morning, I felt a small, cool breeze in front of me.  After ten minutes of deep breaths, I headed to the living room to chant while reading my positive affirmations.  Adding to my morning routine, I am reading Ways of the Peaceful Warrior and happened to come across how "Socrates" mentioned that being in the present was to Feel! He later on discussed how that moment was a turning point for Dan. Should I follow my inner "Socrates" fill myself with spiritual and intellitecual growth or should I continue to be asleep and fall into the void?

I can't believe how just 34 pages in and this book has resonated with me on nine occasions.  I look forward to being awake and being in the moment.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Moral Values
our assignment is to write a first-person essay telling me how you interpret each of these and whether you practice each of them. (i.e. #8.What does "being "just and fair" mean to you, and are you "just and fair" with others?)

You must deal with all 24 and 2 additional Moral Characteristics: Valuing Life and Competitiveness.

The final paragraph should be a narrative about an ethical dilemma you encountered earlier in your life and how you resolved it. Again, this is all confidential. I will not share this with anyone, and I will not keep a copy of what you write. I will, however, grade the thoroughness and writing qualities of what you present to me in this assignment. It is worth 100 points. If your essay is incomplete or deficient in terms of grammar or other writing characteristics, you will be required to upgrade it and return it for an additional evaluation. Each time that happens, the points possible will decrease by ten points.

This is a required assignment in order to pass this class.
1 . Being Honest, Truthful, Trustworthy— is frank and open, refraining from lying, stealing, or
2.  Having Integrity— is principled—being of sound moral character, showing courage of convictions, standing up for what is     

3.   Being Caring/ Compassionate/ Benevolent—shows good will, generosity; charitable, considerate, kind.
4.   Doing One’s Civic Duty—abides by the laws and rules; does fair share; participates in community betterment.
5.   Having Courage—does what is right, even in the face of personal consequences, rejection by others, or danger.
Being Willing to Sacrifice—gives of oneself or one's possessions to help others or for something one believes in.
7.   Maintaining Self-Control— is able to stay calm and rational, even under conditions of temptation, stress, or aggravated assault (such as being teased or "put down') by others.
8.   Being just and Fair—treats others as you would want them to treat you; rules applied equitably; does not discriminate on improper basis.
9.   Being Cooperative—gets along well with others, willing to compromise; committed to the concept of neighborhood, society, country, and world.
10.   Being Persevering/ Diligent—puts out best effort and works hard; does not give up easily; keeps trying despite hardships; self‑reliant.
11.   Keeping Promises— attempts to keep commitments, reliable, dependable.
12.   Doing no harm—considers the potential for physical or emotional harm to others and avoids that harm.
13.     Pursuing excellence/ takes pride in work—does one's best; is not unduly influenced by setbacks or external pressures to do less than one can.
14.     Taking personal responsibility—is accountable, dependable, amenable; considers consequences and accepts responsibility for own actions or inactions; does not shift blame for own mistakes to others.
15.   Having Empathy —is able to identify with another's feelings or point of view in order to better understand him/her.
16.   Benefiting others —makes decisions that have the potential for a positive effect on others.
17.   Having Respect for others —Acknowledges and honors the rights, freedom, and dignity of others.
18.     Having Patience ‑- knows that good products, actions and outcomes take time; can delay gratification; does not leap before looking.
19.   Being Forgiving -- is able to leave upsetting and hurtful things behind; stops the cycle of the hurt to others or oneself; does not seek revenge.
20.   Making Peace ‑- is able to compromise, to talk things out without resorting to violence, to seek solutions to problems that will be in everyone's best interests; values calmness and safety.
The "PESKY FOUR" (The ones that pose exceptional difficulties in application. )
21.   Having Fidelity/ Loyal -- shows faithfulness, trustworthiness, keeps commitments, doesn't talk behind others' backs, remains a good friend even in hard times. Problem: Essential to in-group survival, but has also been used to justify immoral acts against outsiders; allows for protection of destructive members within the group—punishes within‑group members for attempting to weed out its unethical or unfit, even if the group might be harmed if the immoral behavior continues (Snitch syndrome).
22.   Respecting Autonomy --- respects the rights of individuals to decide how to live their lives. Problem #1: Essential to a free society, but what if the decisions are harmful (physically, mentally, or morally) to themselves or others? Problem #2: What are the markers (age, illness, actions) for withholding autonomy?
23.   Being Tolerant —is able to recognize and respect the differences among people, does not discriminate just because someone is different; acknowledges positive characteristics, not just limitations. Problem: Does everyone deserve tolerance? Current debate is whether tolerance for diversity has blunted people's interest and ability to make sound moral judgments about others and even themselves (that is, diversity, as in “anything goes" or "whatever ... “).
24.   Having Self-respect -- has due regard for one's own reputation and long‑term image of a "good" person; does not abuse
        one’s own body or act in trivial ways that are dangerous to oneself; cares about one's own Yourself? (Your conscience ?)
        character: is comfortable with oneself (self‑esteem). Problem: Potential for self‑absorption and narcissism.
My additions to Keith-Spiegel's list.
25.   Competitiveness

26.   Valuing Life

   A Moral Education Committee (Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Akhlak) was formed in 1976 comprising prominent members respecting various religions in the country. This committee deliberated on moral values inherent in each religion and finally identified 16 universal moral values supported by all. In the ISSC, these 16 umbrella values have been expanded to 80 values.

    1.1  Compassionate
    1.2  Considerate
    1.3  Generous
    1.4  Understanding
    1.5  Forgiving

    2.1  Responsible
    2.2  Independent
    2.3  Industrious
    2.4  Self-confident

    3.1  Polite
    3.2  Admitting one's mistake
    3.3  Friendly

    4.1  Respect and loyal towards parents
    4.2  Respect for the elderly, teachers, peers, leaders and neighbours
    4.3  Respect for king and country
    4.4  Respect for basic rights
    4.5  Respect for beliefs and cultures of various races
    4.6  Respect for individual rights
    4.7  Adherence to the rule of law
    4.8  Adherence to time (punctual)
    4.9  Value wisdom, experience and deeds
    4.10  Value manual labour
    4.11  Value self-respect

    5.1  Love for life
    5.2  Love for the environment
    5.3  Love for the country
    5.4  Love for peace and harmony

    6.1  Just
    6.2  Fair

    7.1  Freedom within the law
    7.2  Freedom within the democratic system

    8.1  Brave
    8.2  Stand up to the truth
    8.3  Resolute
    8.4  Responsible/Accountable

    9.1  Physical cleanliness
    9.2  Environmental cleanliness
    9.3  Well-mannered in words and actions
    9.4  Healthy and constructive thoughts

    10.1  Trustworthy
    10.2  Speaking the truth
    10.3  Sincere

    11.1  Courageous
    11.2  Pro-active/Resourceful
    11.3  Dedicated to work
    11.4  Determined
    11.5  Hardworking

    12.1  Spirit of brotherhood
    12.2  Collective responsibility
    12.3  Helping one another
    12.4  Tolerance
    12.5  Common good
    12.6  Unity

    13.1  Moderation in reconciling personal needs with... (this part is missing, will update)
    13.2  Not excessive in words and actions

    14.1  Thankful
    14.2  Grateful
    14.3  Appreciative

    15.1  Able to form judgements
    15.2  Able to reason
    15.3  Open minded and able to think logically

    16.1  Subscribing to consensus
    16.2  Subscribing to the spirit of neighbourliness
    16.3  Sensitive to social issues in the community

[Translated from the Malay version by:
Haji Abdul Aziz Sultan
Zainurin Abdul Rahman
Tunku Badariah Tunku Ahmad]

   I hope this is useful and helps you especially if you're a teacher trainee! When I wrote lesson plans as part of my assignments, I was also scratching my head because I didn't have a list of moral values (which is an essential element in all lesson plans- you can look at the example I've provided), until one of my lecturers gave us a list when we were in IIUM. Thank you, Dr. Ismail! Unfortunately I lost it... bla bla bla, long story, but since I couldn't find it on the internet either when I looked, here it is! Hope it helps you.

   All the best to my TESL friends who are heading for practicum... you are all CEMERLANG candidates! Insya-Allah :)

Way of the peaceful warrior

Those sleeping medication really does wonders. I have been asleep my entire life...depriving myself from many life experiences. From the time I am writing this journal, I can not remember a joyous day or a day I was really pissed off. My facial expression and my heart has an undeniable void.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yesterday's Successes

Five Key Successes
1. After talking to Gary, had a better idea planning
2. Learned that I should not be attached to any girl.
3. Spirituality is the core and affects all aspects of life.
4.  Finished tying in language arts standards so now I will be planning backwards
5. Read The Sportsman and need to embrace mind over matter mentality.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yesterday's reflection

My new daily ritual... take a deep breath and exhale while sitting on the pink ball, say positive affirmations while taking deep breaths, writing my successes and goals.
Need to include mediation, create a list of things to do, watch CNN, read

5 successes from the previous day
  • I need to stick to my guns, I already told Monica that I could not make it to check out Charles' jam session.  Granted that I went, the key success in that was that I protected Monica and was a complete gentleman by finding a chair for her to sit.
  • While waiting for Monica, I managed to clean the bathroom and wash the dishes (the household chores).
  • Bought Apples to Apples from Target and will be using it as a daily writing.
  • While checking out at Target, talked to sales associate.
  • I remembered majority of the things I needed to buy at Target.
  • I provided support for Veronica in preparation of her Masters in Reading comprehensive exam.
  • While being with Minh, I learned that I should open my eyes when I am around people.  Opening my eyes shows interest.
  •  Most important of them all, I read a chapter from The Sportsman, watched CNN.
Areas that I need to continue to work on... following through, sticking to my guns
 6 key goals

Lesson Plan
  • Morning Business
  • Language Arts
  • Math
Ivan's IEP
Noelia's IEP 
Test Prep


1. Follow through
2. Be calm
3. Sticking to my guns
4. Exercise 
5. Write/Reflect

Friday, April 6, 2012

Today's a new day.

was reading The Sportsman, intrigued how daily rituals help can get football players in the zone. I'm just curious what is your daily ritual that gets you in the zone?
· · · 22 minutes ago

    • Jason Nishi Ramming my head into a wall 20 times, followed by a loud blood curtling scream at the top of my lungs. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

      Just kidding. Cup of coffee and then some fast music. Does the trick.

    • Phillip Tse Do you hold place coffee in right hand, sip, take a deep breath, look to your left, sip, take another deep breath?

    • Jason Nishi Nah, more like what they do in the commercials. Big sip, ahhhhhhh, then music.
      I decided not to post this on Facebook but on blogger instead.
      Inspired by this...I found and will be incorporating some of these into my daily rituals...- writing out 5 successes from the previous day and key learning in my success journal. (helps me appreciate the progress being made).

      - writing out my 6 key goals (keeps focused on where I need my general attention). If you do not have goals, use the time to start developing them.

      - identifying my priorities for the day (focuses me on what specifically must be done).

      - exercise, either running or walking for about an hour (great 
for keeping energy up).

      - reading each day (always linked to my goals and for me are
 self development, business books or biographies of people I admire). For ideas check out the books in the free stuff section of this site.

      - reflecting on the person I need to become to achieve my goals (thinking about my development needs).

News Clip for the Day

CNN discussed how the Saints, an NFL team in St. Louis had a coach that told the players to kill the opponent.  I don't understand why people say or do these things.  What ever happened to the mentality of it is just a game?


After I talked to some David and Wayne, I came to the realization that hydroponics would be difficult.  The amount of uv light, the space, the energy, the time, and the amount of vegetables all are key factors I needed to consider.  I felt like I reverted back to my old self...asking for people's experience.
Why do I keep making the same mistakes?

I am having a personal struggle with myself. A part of me wants to die, this morning I felt a spiritual conflict within myself.  I wish I can drown out the negativity. 
Needing spiritual guidance, I referred to the Bible, flipped open the Bible and landed on Ecclesiates 4 and 5 where I started reading about the evils of oppression and my attitude toward God.  I feel like I am the fool who is consuming his own flesh.  My speech and thoughts have been causing me to sin resorting to the emptiness within.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A new hobby.

So far all my hobbies including scuba diving, snowboarding, and shooting, all of which are fun and requires a bit of money, another hobby I am going to include will be hydroponic gardening.  I had this idea in mind a couple years ago but haven't put in much thought until recently I noticed my diet consist of meat, and lots of meat.  The seed in my mind, it will be fertilized as I continue to research about it.  I am hoping sometime around June, I can start with this hobby.

  • I will have vegetables to eat.
  • Since I am growing vegetables myself, I would not have to spend as much on vegetables at the supermarkets. (I have to research the cost of vegetables at the store, the time it takes to for the vegetables to sprout/germinate)
  • This hobby will be a lifestyle change: Being more nurturing and hopefully more patient, in addition to something passionate outside of work. (for a time being, once I'm proficient and have the funds for it, I might just set one up in the classroom, after I make a pros and cons for setting a garden in the classroom).
  • I have space in my dining area.
  • The vegetables eaten, not sure if it is enough for me to eat.
  • It is costly. So far, the herb garden starter kit found on{keyword}&adtype=pla  is about $64.79. I would hate to imagine the cost of hydroponic gardening... the growing bed and nutrient reservoir. 
  • Time, it requires a lot of time.
  • There might not be enough lighting for the plants.
  • A lot of maintenance.
  • Not sure if I can set up an indoor garden in the apartment, must refer to leasing agreements (could be a potential fire hazard).
While creating a pros and cons list, found this online:

My goal for today:
1. read
2. figure out which plants I can plant.
3. refer to leasing agreements.

My goal for Friday:
1. watch 3 hydroponic videos and write what I learned.
2. Figure out the materials, and costs

Do I really need it.

Terry's talk about thinking things through inspired me when I checked my checking account.  Last month, I spent $500 on things I don't really need. Today is a new day, a new pay period.  After cutting down all the necessities (rent, student loans, overpayment for employment, etc) I have less than a $1,000 this month to spend (not including gas and food, which should also be considered a necessity). Now, is the time to really think whether I really need it or not. As of today, any purchases I have to weigh the pros and cons on to whether or not it is essential for me to get it. On top of that, I need to hold myself accountable and create a list of wants and needs (material objects).  By doing this, it is a step to being a man.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Terry's talk

Had a very insightful talk with Terry.
It all came down to me needing some soul searching.
I need to think things through, find out before committing.
Every action has a consequence.
Mediation, self reflection on things that can be better.
Stick to what I believe in.
No wishy washy
No more mediocrity.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Life's Lessons.

Over the past few weeks, I learned the following:
  • Never make assumptions.
  • Listen.
  • Differentiate wants and needs.
  • Measure twice, cut once.
I'm hoping these learning lessons occur once. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

"War is barbarous and inhuman. Nothing is more cruel, nothing more tragic." The war I'm facing, I'm in knee deep and it's always going to be a constant struggle between the "good" and "evil"  If only the path to finding myself would have a clearer picture.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Listening to Eckhart Tolle's and Matthew Ferry's podcasts and it appears to be a pattern: being aware of the presence. That awareness is YOU.

Morning Prayer.

"Dear Lord, I give you my hands to do Your work; I give You my feet to go Your way; I give You my eyes to see as You see; I give You my tongue to speak Your words; I give You my mind that You may think in me; I give You my spirit that You may pray in me. Above all, I give You my heart that You may love in me - love the Father and love all humankind. I give You my whole self, Lord, that You may grow in me, so that it is You who lives, works and prays in me. Amen."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Blazing a new trail is always a fresh challenge; it involves traversing a thorny path that can only be opened through intense struggle."
I can feel it today coming home from work.  An overall good day filled with many great learning experiences.  Granted that I am blessed, teaching and reading the Human Revolution feels I am surrounded by thorns.   Drops of blood, puddles of sweat, and river of tears is flowing down my body, I just need to keep pushing forward.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Third line in the page and the New Human Revolution states each year with greater determination.
I am determined to say the following prayer:
Great God, Thou Giver of all good,
Accept our praise and bless our food.
Grace, health, and strength to us afford
Through Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord.

Toward the end of the page, the New Human Revolution mentioned how each year should be strong but it goes more than that, today is a new day of the beginning of my new life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

As I cracked open the first page of the New Human Revolution, Volume 17, "Everything shone with a light of a new beginning and the clear skies of hope stretched on endlessly." The page also said to renew his determination. Beginning on my thousand mile spiritual journey with a single step by reading a page a day of the New Human Revolution. What I hope to gain from this journey is to be more grounded as well as being aware of my surroundings, and hopefully renewing my determination to strife forward in spite of many future obstacles.  This 1,000 mile journey I have to be completely honest with myself, I can not hitch hike, ride a bike, or join a team. Even if it's on knees, I have to give my blood, sweat, and tears and finish this ongoing journey which is all going to be possible with the first step-having faith and trust in God's actions has a purpose.

 I am proactive with spirituality and with life.  For starters, journaling every page read will help me become grounded.  Its in me, I just need to bring it out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Shopping list for the new apartment.
kitchen utensils
pots and pans
water purifier

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Notes to self.

When reflecting on life, it is not necessary to post or tell anyone, just do it. Try to avoid asking everyone for advice, go with an action first and then reflect on it.

Psalm 9:1 "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart."

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Beginnings...

Today is a new day for new beginnings. I am fortunate to experience the present, the cool breeze from the air conditioner and the mellow beats of the drum while sitting cross legged on a wooden chair, all of which reminded me the tranquil feeling of being one with nature.

Today's verse:
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2
is much similar to chanting for everyone to be happiness and for world peace.

Opening my heart to God and to my true self to pray for my "enemies" is a step I am looking forward to.  At this moment, I am praying for myself to become the man I want to be.