Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 1
My life entails me living the 007 life. When I say the 007 life, I mean being witty, charming, charismatic, mysterious, financially stable, passionate, powerful. I exude alpha through my body language, speech, thoughts, actions.

Physically: 12% BMI, partake an Ironman, Spartan races, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
Financially: Debt free
Spiritually: meditation, seeing God in everything and everyone
Personal: Finish reading Way of Peaceful Warrior and Seals, travel to see auroa borealis, Machu Picchu, Thailand, hang glide, swim with sharks.
Professional: finish IEPs, write a progress report, BCBA certification, PRT certification, Common Core

I own a house that I restored, open floor concept, fire place in living room and master bedroom, stainless steel kitchen, spa like bathroom
I own an Astro Martin that I restored.
My travel plans include: Thailand, Peru, Australia, Italy, Spain