Thursday, December 29, 2011

8 in a Thursday morning, I was laying in bed while reading a book. I decided to take a short break and turned on the television, a commercial about the Terra Cota soldiers was going to be at the Bower's Museum.  I felt an urge to go check out the Terra Cota soldiers.  Tell me about a time when you were spontaneous.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


In the past couple of weeks, I made some progress but it appears that I have regressed.
The lessons I learned were not to be needy but the girl that I was interested in appeared interested in me by expressing interest in meeting with my grandparents.  Although it was a great experience, reflecting back now, just because a girl express interest in meeting with the family does not necessary mean she is interested in you.

I need to continue to focus on myself, continue to work on myself and better myself.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yesterday's learned lesson
  • When at work, be professional.  Don't reveal your personal life.  It's going to end up biting you in the butt or in this case, heart. I confided in the title coordinator about the girl I have feelings for.  She basically told the girl, the girl asked me about the situation.  I couldn't recall.
    One lesson learned: as a guy, don't confide with coworkers.  I'm beginning to treat every situation as if I was holding a gun, I need to THINK and accept the consequences for everything I do and say, you never know if it's going to bite you in the butt.
  • When a girl time projects in a positive manner, you should go along. Case and point, the girl that I am interested mentioned about caring for her while she is old, the new me will go along and note we're be cute together, me spoon-feeding her and she can give me daily sponge-bath.
  • Today is the new day of the rest of my life.
  • Thank you God for providing these experiences. Thank you God for blessing me with great students and working at a great school with a great support team.  Thank you God for always watching over me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Positive affirmations...

As I love myself, I allow others to love me too.
Flaws are transformed by love and acceptance.
I love the way I feel when I take care of myself.
Fear is only a feeling; it will not hold me back.
I know that I can master anything if I do it enough times.
Today, I am willing to fail in order to succeed.
I believe that I have the strength to make my dreams come true.
I’m going to relax and have fun with this, no matter what the outcome may be.
I’m proud of myself for even daring to try.
Today I put my full trust in my inner guidance.
I grow in strength with every forward step I take.
With a solid plan and a belief in myself, there’s nothing I can’t do.
Today I expand my awareness of the abundance all around me.
I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways.
I exude passion, purpose, and prosperity.
As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth.
My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love.
My unique skills and talents can make a profound different in the world.
I am meant to do great things.
I trust the universe to deliver my highest good in every situation.
By becoming peace, I create peace in every experience.
Peace comes when I let go of trying to control every tiny detail.
Today I open my mind to the endless opportunities.
Let each of my experiences today be a gateway to something even better.
Each decision I make creates new opportunities.
All of my relationships are meaningful and fulfilling.
I am ready for a healthy, loving relationship.
I trust the universe to know the type of partner who is perfect for me.
As I share my love with others the universe mirrors love back to me.
I am grateful for the people in my life.
My energy and vitality are increasing everyday.
Thank you for my strength, my health, and my vitality.
Today I awaken to my higher wisdom
My inner voice guides me in every moment.
I am centered, calm, and clear.
I always know the right actions to achieve my goals.
When I know where I’m going, getting there is a cinch!
Today I am completely tuned in to my inner wisdom.
I trust my feelings and insights.
I’m proud of all I have accomplished.
Today I give myself permission to be greater than my fears.
 I love myself no matter what.
I don’t have to be perfect; I just have to be me.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The past couple of days, I have been thankful for the parent conferences that went well.  Also, I am still learning the school dynamics, knowing when to keep my mouth shut and learning who to talk to.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the quote that changed a man. "our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So? A question I need to ask myself, I have a tendency to get in my head.

Why? or Is it necessary for me to say it? 

What happens if I were to say it?

Monday, December 5, 2011

I am blessed to meet a high school student by the name of Hansen, who is aspiring to be a cardiologist and is learning how to fence.  He told me that he will be the first person in his family to get a college degree.  Times like this makes me appreciate how our children can learn and become whatever they desire to become. 

I am also blessed to meet a woman who practiced yoga for four years.  We are all here, the masters of our own universe.

I really, really, really, really want to be the positive, social, confident man that I am.  Everything I do has a purpose.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I am thankful for today.

Today, I happened to do some planning at Cafe Ambroso over in Long Beach where there are open fire pits.

Raising money/donating toys for Christmas while supporting my gay brothers.

Seeing Rachel at Chuck E. Cheese while talking to mom about smiles, teaching, and life.

Working out while trying my best.
Having dinner with grandparents and told them that I am grateful to have wonderful grandparents and today is a new start, we talked for a bit.

Good times.
I really, really, really, really, really want to be the confident, social, positive person that I am.  I really, really, really, really, really, really want to be a person with purpose.  Everything I do has a purpose, has a reason.

I really, really, really, really, really want to be the social, positive, confident person that displays all the points in the scout law.
I remember saying and chanting this as part of my mantra and then I decided to change my mantra to I really, really, really, really, really want to be the social, positive, confident person that everything I do has a purpose.  Don't get me wrong, I am incorporating the scout law more into my life, I just figured everything happened for a reason and everything has a purpose.

Today's life lessons for which I am thankful for:
I began opening the door for a guy named Chris as he was heading out of the gym. We started talking about working out, triceps-chest, biceps-back, legs, and cardio, lots of cardio.  He suggested to get out of the comfort zone and push yourself. A strategy I am using outside of the gym.  He also asked where do you see yourself in a year?  I began to think of my career, my life....
A year from now begins today, I developed more social skills, had a chance to talk to new people.  The events that happened has made me a stronger, better person.

At the smog test, the technician noted that an individual can register their car at AAA instead of waiting at the DMV.

Remembering what Maria had said, just call people once so you as an individual don't seem like you are needy.

Today was such a wonderful day, I learned how to change the brakes on a car.  Although the process was simple, changing the brakes requires soldering the brake disc.  I am thankful for Jay, he uses name brand brakes and provides professional service. 

Today was a great day, I had a chance to know different people. I can see tomorrow will be another positive day where I get to learn more about life's lessons.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

About to head to bed again, hoping to collect my thoughts for the next day, again.
Then, I realized if I were to do that, again, I would be falling into the same rut, again.

I'm here trying to push myself on a consistent basis.

Recapping for Friday, I am thankful that I had a chance to bond with Maria and Alex.  I learned there are five types of love: touch, gifts, words of affirmation, time, service.  I am thankful that today went by very smoothly, I was focusing on my classroom nothing else.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Having sleep does wonders, I feel recharged and ready to start another beautiful day.  I am appreciative that I am here at Coffee Bean checking out the hazy sunrise while listening to one of the soundtracks for Matilda.  Life is good. I have to thank God for blessing me with another wonderful day, another day to learn from my experiences and become a better individual.

What would make me really, really, really, really happy is to be myself, the trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind individual who is confident, passionate, and positive.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Every action has a consequence.

When dealing with people, every action has a consequence.  The consequence may be positive or it may be negative.  Everything happens for a reason, yesterday's experience was a great learning experience.  The lesson learned was not to dwell on the negative or to be at a negative state of mind since negative tends to cloud any rationale judgements.  This experience opened another experience, re-building a rapport with my mom.  I came to realize I had to confront my mom about issues that lingered in the past.  My mom provided many insightful lessons, all of which was in Chinese but another positive experience aside from reconnecting with my mom was brushing up on my Chinese.

Today is a bright new day, a new start to a new beginning.  The journey to becoming the positive man has begun.  I am a positive man.

Special thanks to God for giving me life, providing me life experiences that make a stronger person. Thank you for blessing me the opportunity to work, to learn, to grow.

Here at Starbucks, I am going to start off my day with positive mantras.
I really, really, really, really want to be the social, positive, confident Eagle Scout who is straight forward and non-reactive.