Monday, February 22, 2016

Yesterday, I talked to Elizabeth in hopes to get resources for science since I will be starting at the new school soon.  She then told me that I need to show up to work instead of going to jury duty.  She meant I could always postpone jury duty.  Sure enough, I took her advice.  For the next hour and a half, I had anxiety attacks.  It felt like my heart was about to burst out.   My anxiety lowered when I talked to Katje, she told me that I need to be like the road to Buddha.  She told me that a guy left his town, came up to Buddha and asked him about the town. The Buddha answered how was your town before?  The man said his town was horrible. "Well then, this town is also horrible."  Another man comes up to the Buddha and asks about the town.  The Buddha then asks how was is old town?  The another man responded that it was a pleasant town, everybody was helpful, they would give their shirt off their backs.

From what I get from Buddha, life is what you make of it.  There are no positives, no negatives, it's what you make of it.