Sunday, March 12, 2017

While looking for some writing topics to assess one of my students, I came across this website:

One of the topics I plan on giving to my students is how some people avoid challenges while others see them as opportunities to grow.  

I have a soft spot for Italian cuisine, the bits of meat swimming in the sweet tomato sauce and of course the oozing, cheesy goodness. When Chef had an Italian cooking class available, I took the bull by its horns and signed up.  At cooking class, everyone was given the opportunity to make fresh pasta from scratch.  As chef was demonstrating how to knead the pasta, I thought to myself that making pasta was a piece of cake.  I followed Chef's steps of making a flour well and incorporating the egg into the well.  When it was time to add the water, I added a lot of water til the point where the mixed ingredient was gooey and watery.  Unsure with myself, I showed Chef my ball of dough and was instructed to make another batch but with not as much water.  Rather than giving up, I decided to give a crack with a second attempt, I repeated the same procedure in making a flour well and placing the egg in the middle.  This time, I added not enough water.  I was intent on making the perfect pasta.  My third attempt had the right amount of water but I over-kneaded the dough.  The dough became dry. My fourth attempt in making the dough ball had the right elasticity, its what the Chef said the dough bouncing back when you poke at  it.  At that moment in time, I was on top of the world.

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